Wednesday, June 2, 2010

falling sick again.

whether you understand my previous post or not..
err.. i dk ok? try to understand it and socket it into your brain.(:
i dont know why but i am starting to puke eversince i reach home..
i didnt really eat alot today.. only breakfast tu pon tak sempat.. oh well..
[you dont wanna care kan? fine! i didint know you are that kind of person]

sometimes i really give up.. yeah its true i dont treat you like a boy friend and i mean it.
sometimes i just feel like not picking your phone ccalls.. delete your mesagges or even not replying..
i dont know what has gotten into for the past two days.. and  tday i SICK!

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control. "

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