Wednesday, June 30, 2010

i know i made a mistake boy..

one small mistake will change the whole situation..)':

i dont know why my mood just changed.. all of a sudden.. i mean, i ask for it.. and i realised i can't survive..
wth?)': okay enough.. well just now we had our practice.. some stuff seem to go wrong alot today..
school.. dancers..home.. alot laa....haiyoo..
i miss my granny alot.. i rarely see her now..i got alot to tell you !)'':
oaky.. tadi punye prac.. was fantastic!! hahaha.. I LIKEE SWEETHEART!(:

Congrats to Nurulhudah! whats wrong with you Nurul? what happen? where were the strong.. persevered women i know? you are not who i use to know.. the girl whom wont breakdown..
telling or showing people that nothings wrong.. This isnt it Nurul.. Theres Always another Path for you to take.. you know you are strong.. tell myself that!its Not gonna be the last of you kan?
what is it > that you are bottling up.. you just keep quite like as though.. and told our friends that you are
just tired?why?You are strong and i know you can make him understand..
stop ignoring someone whom has been there for you.. even if you think you dont need him.. deep down you are tearing up real bad![sorry.. i am talking to myself]

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