Tuesday, August 31, 2010


oh well!guess what!my eyes look real bad this morning..cried all my heart out last night..
wondering why? because my world of relationship just ended.can you believe it? after
crying.. tadi pagy cepatcepat i put the Eye Mo.. so that mom and dad won't ask why..
just finish online with this two monkey! thanks for all the sweet advice. appreciate it real alot..
today.. seems a lil bit okay..oh well.. just gotta move on.. someday maybe he and i will meet again..
after crying last night.. tonight i realise its no use crying over spilt milk.. nothing will change..
no matter how hard i cry.. i don't think he is ever coming bck..
tonight.. i promise won't cry. janji! anyways malam nie. to those who are keeping me company . make sure you all wake me up for tmrw sahur! kalu tak i am officially a meat!

(i use to love you before, but not after realiseing how stronger i grew..)
i'll continue the line the next post okay?

dah mlm Noightnoight~

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