Monday, April 4, 2011


maybe you're the one who just don't know how to use your bloody brain!

you really don't know who are actually losing kan? really you don't!
you won't knoit until one day you realise that you've actually lost it!*&^*$!
urg!! okay i'm not gonna turn around anymore and say, 'oh bby. i'll wait for you,"
oh you know something! you really know how to mush up my brain..and then left me like some &*%!
seriously! guess what Mr bruno! i guees i can actually survive without YOU!i've got alot of
pending request eh! kau pikir kau sorang je blh dpt pompuan? aku pon blh lah! bukan satu je lah!
easy say lah eh,i'm better off without you! like seriously! LIKE SEERIOUSSLY!
i did regret at the beginning, but after a month of waiting, you don't even give a damn! might as well i take it you don't want me around kan!
i'm done.. i'm seriously done. oh yeah!i've deleted your number already.. you can go
ahead and delete mine.. oh if you ever so called come back lah kan eh.. do come back with your future girl-
friend eh? so that i know lah. the deals over..
takpayah lah i've to weep and cry like a small girl.

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