Saturday, May 15, 2010

i feel diff when you were not here..

woke up at 2.. had nightmare.. woke up at 4 had nightmare..
ughh!! takya tido lah!
pathetc! i hate those nightmares! it just freaks me!
and when i tried going back to sleep i just cant seems to just shut my eyes!
why am i having all those nightmares?
it all started since 2 years ago.. and yet the story.. never ends..
its all murdering! i see blood everywhere!
ohh what the hell..
 my tomatoes!! are finished sweet!
shaiks! must get them as soon as i can(:

i didnt really did well in art.. well i i still have end year! must make sure get A!
alright.. uh-oh.. i am left with 2 days! status gone!!
haiyooo!! Omma!!!

ary! you ok tak? your pm sounds diff.. we see each other next week kay!
take care lils! tak termasuk you eh fariz!aggagag!!

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