Sunday, June 5, 2011


I think i understand how he feels..
I miss you, i miss the beginning, when everything was new. No fighting, no drama, no mood swings. Just being cute and flirty. Being silly and not having a care in the world. Things have changed so much and i just want everything to go back to the old ways. When everything was so innocent. I miss when we only had a “thing” everything was so easy then. We were so much happier. Now everythings hard. Were always fighting or upset or in a bad mood for no reason. I know that our feelings have grown and thats what makes everything so complicated, we went from liking each other to being completely and madly in love with one another. A few months ago you were just my boyfriend but now, your so much more then that, your my whole life. There’s not one second of the day that i’m not thinking about you, about what your doing, or what your thinking about. I honestly don’t know what i would do without you.Your the only thing that keeps me going on my worst days. I’ve let you become my everything and i know you’ve let me become yours too. Everything we’ve gone through i know will only make us stronger. Every fight will just end up bringing us closer. I wanna be so close with you were inseparable. I wanna be so comfortable with you i could look like complete ass with no makeup on in baggy sweats and a sweatshirt and not give two shits what you thought, i want you to be not only my boyfriend but my bestfriend too. I just want things to go back to how they were before, everythings just to complicated. Relationships ruin everything.

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