Saturday, May 11, 2013

Because I miss you that much

I thought i was over it, over us and most of all over you. But im not, infact im far from it. Everything reminds me of you, it hurts to think about you with her, doing all the things we used to, but it hurts even more to think that i was so easy to replace. Like seriously, you jumped into bed with her the day after we broke up, how the fuck did you expect me to react to that, i mean if your aim was to hurt me, well fucking done you succeeded, you broke my heart. I loved you so much and i still do, but i could never forgive you for making me feel so shit about myself. Im nothing special i get that but you could of showed a little compassion you fucking prick, but no instead you thought it big and clever to rub it in my face and make me feel about as low as is humanly possible. All the memories we have together, the good ones, are now all tainted by the shitty bad ones, like the day you decided to stop trying, to give up on everything, to give up on me. You promised me forever and always, the only thing you didn’t lie about is that i can do better, not better than you because to me you were perfect, but i can do better than the lies and the cheating and the secrets! nobody deserves to be treated like that, and completely unprovoked. I tried my best to give you everything you wanted, but i guess my best just wasnt good enough.

i love you and there will probably always be a part of me that does, but i refuse to be treated like dirt.

I just miss you. I miss everything. Come back.

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