Thursday, June 6, 2013


Goodmorning to people who don't even read this blog of mine.
Okay, I have not really been posting alot. due to my exams and School schedule.
Currently i'm studying at ITE College Central, Taking a course in Nitec Office.
School's been pretty much took up most of my time. I met new friends there. Well. Yeah like new ones.
But seriously, i still prefer my old schoolmates, more of like bestfriends. Oh well. I am currently an active member in Cheerleading. Yeap. I took up a new CCA. Reason being, I look at is part of my intrest and thought maybe i could try it out. Honestly. Its really a whole new thing for me. I mean i was like a former band member and trust me, the atmosphere is totally a whole lot different. HAHHA. Its like 6 Months have passed and theres been so  many things that has been happening. Exams are over and now Im like having a six weeks break?like before the next term starts. HAHAHA.

I started writting but the, inside there is more of like my relationship kinda story. Moree of like Joseph. And surprisingly, I'm still dating him. Like after everything that has happen. The quarrels, The breakups. Ahh well i guess its like normal to like go through all that right? AHAHA.Most prolly i'll elaborate more about this Joseph of mine, whom i've been inlove with for the past 2 1/2years of my life. Oh well.

I honestly miss blogging. Like literally i can like type all i want inside.
That's me.

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