Monday, April 19, 2010

(; gado then together!

i want you love^^
Hahhahahha.. tengah only ngan my sweet.. quarrel again.. huhm.. nasib baek die tu baek hati...
Hahahahah, esok confermconferm gile jumpe die!
haizz.. today didnt really went well..dah quarrel one thing.. kat telephone sampai tak jage mulot!
huhm.. sorry lah sweet.. i didnt mean it..seriously...
huhm.. esok kay? hahahhaa..
happyhappy happy.. well.. thanks to fana tadik sebab balik with me..
my gosh.. i am soo at the back.. cant really cope in my maths tho.. ehh?? huhm.. mr shashi blom balik skola..
not in school yet ..HAHA ade die uhh!!
hehhehe.. huhm.. no more you!
i came to my sense today.. not sure wether i am makin a right choice..

am i worth ur try?
being the worst girl u have ever met..
will hurt you if i say i wanna go separately..
would u go away if i force you to?
when you know deep down you wish i wouldnt say that..
what would you do when the world left me uncured?
would you throw me away.. when you know th real me?
can u carry me up agin this time? with tears on my eyes?);

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