Saturday, April 17, 2010

loady.. skejap:)

Hey, sweets! hahhaha! guess who's shades is that!^'^ oink!
ahhaha..tengah onlne ngan my sweet..hahaha.. tadie ade misunderstanding sikit.. nasib baek tak terok sangat.. cry just now.. then he cheered me again...
 hahhaa.. was with him yesterday.. hahaha.. ngah dating! ahhaha.. in an open place..
hahah.. his friends were spying on us.. my friends played prank on us.. hahhaha..
cool cool(;
but i dont know how to put this in better sentences but i felt safe..
eyh pendek when are u gonna call me? hahahha! hang out ngan my girls semalam.. tapi tak lame sebab he came... hahahha.. semalam was suppose to be my study day.. tapi ended up study ngan si pendek tuh! hahaha.. from fitness corner to.. outside class.. hahaha.. tapi tak buat bende tak baek eh!
hahahha, soo uhmm ary sorry wasnt wit you cutes semalam.. but kite layan kan?
hahahhaa... cute si ary marah(:
then semalam was hoping that the thunder wont make a noise...
makin kite mengaharp kan makin kuat they make noise..
wanted to shout.. but scared that will destcuct the peacuful rain..
later going to grannys house.. waitting for daddy tp call cab..
garegare hujan nye pasal..
hahahah.. after all this years i just realized what true love means.. it needs alot of commitment..
fana is keeping too much secret.. must korek diamdiam! hahahha..
[what am i gonna do if theres no more you]
[will my world change?]
[i just wish i could change the clock]
[so that u knew how hurtful life was for me]

just one look in the mirror and i know i dont look the same
being alone. i dont walk the same without u on my arm i lost my charm.
i dont know how i made it before
cuz you were my future for sure
and now that its over i dont know how i am gonna with no more you...
you are sweet fairul!

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