Tuesday, April 20, 2010

will it hurt u if i go?

my sweet brown eyes ^^
tadik balek ngan my sweet...hahah sweet uh tadik..zyie ngan boifie die.. me ngan sweet..
hahahhaas sekarang tengah online ngan love.. hehehhe..
entah ehh... huhm.. just now was finding mr shahrizan..pastu die takde.. terpakse blajar sci sorangsorang..
sad kan! huhm.. GUESS what!! MR shashi is coming back TOMORROW!!
OUH YEAHHHHH!!hahahaha..I am flunking iin my maths..
I must seriously catch up gile...
my eys are seriously getting drowsy and i cant finish up my project! due besok!!
OMG!! hahahhaa..nak suro die teamn.. takot die nak tido.. nak bbl on phone..
takot di naek ngantok..how ehh?
[i dint know i was the one whom complain perh!]
lurhh.. if u think i am the one?then tak sempat i finish my sentance you are gone?
nevermind..we talk soon in sch kay?
huhm.. nak post ape lagik?huhm oh yeah i like your company tadik sweet.. reallyreally do eh.
hahhaha.. esok tak free ssampai 3 ade maths consultation.. conferm!
huhm..deal is still on ehh.. okay!
i shall just end off with a short poem ok?

His words make me cry, his words make me laugh

his words make me sigh.
With each I love you, heaven seems closer and closer

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