Monday, April 12, 2010

hehehek.. bile mau sound??

Just guess who was around only ary, fana and me...
Cant believe it kan.. haahaa.. banyak sakit niarie.. huhmm.. nasib baek i dah baek.. ehhehehek!
tadie balik nan fana nan ary.. talked about school although i wanted to change teh topic.. tapi tak terjadik..
haizz.. sedih kann??school was okay today.. but theres always the ups and downs kan..
soo i didnt really bother about the downs.. but instead the ups!
haha.. saw him from far today.. nak tegor tapi takot die tak layan soo i just kept quite je lah..
nanti kalau tegor die yang kene malukan.. soo i just shush up..
today was a bit suck too as i had to rush to granny house tengok die..
i was the last to arrive.. can u believe it? ymy aunt wah.. her talk about me ehh cannot end seyh!
tsktskstsk!! i just kept quite rush to granny.. i kept crying giler seyh.. perasaan macam tak nak let go..
dah gity.. i couldnt stay long as i need to redo my speech i was too lagged behind giler..
so after i rush off.. i gave my aunt the pathetic look i rarely use...
Why cant i own a life just like how couples are? why cant i begin one?
am i such a let down.. i just let go that someone.. when i know i myself cant do it..
when i know its the worst scar and i have to sew it myself..
when i know i have to face the challenges myself..
why must it be now?
i knew i wasnt the right choice for you..
mybe i should just let go of those memories...maybe i wasnt too good for you..
let just be who we are now.. happy like how we use to be during our practices..
smilling like how it was during sports day.. and pretend like as if nothing went wrong..
it can never change the situation anybetter..
i cant take it anymore.. out of here...

If ever you need me,I'll be right here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear.

If ever you need me,
I'll be two steps behind,
To follow in your footsteps,
And hear what's on your mind.

If ever you need me,
You'll never have to fear,
That your presence isn't important,
And your love isn't dear.

If ever you need me,
I'll always be around,
To bring back the laughter,
Where deep in your heart it's found.
To dearest Fairuz..

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