Sunday, April 11, 2010

tired at times.. butt

hey baby! hahhaa.. lagi sikit je nak baek.. hand is always like this..
my ribcage is fine.. my diaphragm is fine.. everything is cool:)
nanti nak kene amek jab cause my immune system not strong enough.. haiz..
haizzz.. THANK YOU ALOTT (F)!!! hehehhehe.. he accompanied me from morning sampai around 12 mid! hahhaa.. tak tau ehh if the feelings dah grow.. but i am seriosly macam macam de hati kat die uhh..
hahahah.. tadi gy my granny house.. sakit kaki.. i was pretty loved by her.. until someone came into her life and snatch all my loved away... pathetic.. step baek depan her.. abeh bebual buruk about me.. sape tak naek darah sak~!!
heheheh.. lepas tu kan.. I AM BACKKK TO SCHHOOOLL!! OMG!! ahhaha.. i miss my class my loved ones.. including diek lahh.. hahaa.. hes meeting me tmrw!! oyeah!! (F)!!
heheh meeting dorang besok!! ^^! harap harap tak sakit lagik.. haiz...
entah they miss me ke tak ehk..
i gotta go.. oh yeah (F) i miss ya!

once love always loved.. once gone.. it can never be replaced..
i swear i dont wanna lose you this time..
even if u are never coming back..
i want your bad romance this time..
i dont wanna be dissapointed this time..
Fairuz.. err... am i really what u rae serching for?

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