Saturday, May 22, 2010


#$$%&%&! urgh.. why cant anyone just understands me at home?
why is eveyone at home looking down on me? i mean like i am improvign soo well in my mi and there they are looking fuckingly down on me..
why are you guys doing this to me?
i mean like i have alwasy tried to pursue on my potentials and you think all this is not meant for me?
i mean this is my life you see! the choices are in my hand.. and i am the only who can decide
for myself.. yeah you humans use to decide for me..not now okay!
i have enough of shits you guys have thrown at me..
whatever has happen is one word SUCK!
urgh.. omma and dad kept scolding me because of how i dress to scholl.. how i have been in scholl from the fact that they have never Fcukingly cared!~
I just wish they knew how i felt.. what i go thru in school.
just wish..

when are you giving yourself a chance to see your daughter has got potential?

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