Sunday, September 16, 2012

this is really dusty.

MOrning readers. Sigh My blog dead. DOn't even know if theres anyone reading it or not. 
Well anyways, i'm just gonna post about whats been happening lately in my life.
Well a few weeks ago, i got back together with Mr J( VERRRY HAPPY).
and it turn out pretty smoothly.. but not till it was last night.where everything just turn into a nightmare. The worst nightmare i've ever had. I just don't know where i stand now. I can your religion is different from mine, but that does not suppose to mean, you have to say all that right? You know how much you have hurt me last night.With all of your bullshit words. You promised me you would convert and do you know how happy i felt when you said that you will convert? But looking at all your excuses. I'm just dissapointed. DO you know how much sacrifices i've made? Just for you? What are all your words for? For me to throw them all into the drain And hopefully someone else could reuse all your words all overagain? I'm just shock to the fact that i existed for nothing to you .Didnt had a good sleep last night, and i questions just keep running on my mind. I don't know if youre gonna make up to it and if you do, well i suppose i just have to end it all.
Its not that i am trying to be mean or selfish or worst still heartless. But youve never really try to put yourself in my shoe. All this while, I've to be the one trying to understand you, Put myself into your shoe. Have i ever ask you A thousand dollar dinner? NO. I never ask for anything more then just Ice creams. I gave you 1 year to think through and this is the answer ive got. 

Soo. WOW> .<  That is really a long paragraph, aha. Trust me NOBODY reads this SHIT.
I would be lucky if i get 1or 2 readers, bloghopping.. This is it.

LOOK forward to my other posT!

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