Thursday, October 25, 2012

it will get better in time.

 I know you might be to lazy or upset to but I hope some part of you still loves me enough to read what I have to say. No matter how much you hate me or how much I hurt your feelings, I’m always gonna have the same amount of love for you as I do now. Our relationship may be over in your eyes but in mine, your forever my bestfriend and partner. I don’t care if you didn’t listen to me most of the time, I talk to much anyways and I don’t care that I bore you, I trusted you, I confided  in you, you we’re there so me more then my own family and I will always thank you and love you for that. You made a difference in my life, you taught me that in a relationship you can laugh and smile and cry but still be happy at the end of the day. Yeah, we did have our ups and downs but that’s what made us, us. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everyday, that even when you touched me I got butterflies. and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how handsome you are and just hearing your laugh makes me feel better. and I’m sorry that our relationship ended because of me, if I could change it I would, but I feel like your never gonna let it get back to how it used to be. I know somewhere in life we’ll look back at the times where we layed in bed holding eachother or when we made love and I’ll smile because everything we’ve been through I wouldn’t wanna go through it with anyone else.I’m sorry that we didn’t get married and have kids on our own. But who ever you may have children with is a lucky woman because her kids will have a fantastic father who loves them dearly, I just wish it could’ve been me. I don’t even know how to picture myself with out you. I don’t even know how to cope right now. But before you go to sleep everynight, know that I love you and I’m ALWAYS gonna be here for you no matter what. i love you, you’ll always be my baby.

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